
Hall of Fame

The hall of fame - the pinnacle of achievement in whatever sport or activity you might participate in, even Tiddly Winks.

The Long Lost Dr. Seuss Title

doctor who double meaning dr seuss elephant Hall of Fame literalism tardis - 5091987456
Created by ammusionist


bison family goodbye Hall of Fame homophones lolwut parents son - 5394599168

Transformers, Stay Positive!

Hall of Fame optimist optimus prime similar sounding transformers - 6428122624
Created by Lucky810

It Even Has a Pond!

David Tennant Hall of Fame homophone literalism surname - 6156204032


bone Hall of Fame literalism suffix - 6166552576
Via Reddit


double meaning Hall of Fame literalism philosophy tweet twitter - 4918074112

Peanut Butter Jelly Thyme

cliché family guy Hall of Fame homophone homophones jelly literalism peanut butter thyme - 5449854720
Created by cheeseblarg ( Via cheeseblarg.blogspot.com )


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Awkward Hall of Fame hawk prefix similar sounding - 4605419776

These Guys Are Most Definitely Raven!

double meaning Hall of Fame homophone literalism Party raven similar sounding - 5764051712
Created by Cuzican


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If Life Gives You Melons...

adage dyslexia dyslexic Hall of Fame hypothetical Lame Pun Coon lemons life meme - 4748165632
Created by imboyo

Knocktor Knocktor...

cliché doctor who Hall of Fame joke who - 5269394432
Created by PinHeadAD

Nice Double Entendre You've Got There, Northampton General

advice double entendre double meaning Hall of Fame innuendo use - 6265013248
Via Punblr

Further Proof That the Mustache Makes the Man

Hall of Fame letters literalism name Nick Offerman parks and recreation switch - 6061383936
Via Sir Jolt

Sinerise and Sineset

Hall of Fame literalism similar sounding sin sine sine wave sun - 5344424192
Created by Miki_Tiffany