
double entendre

You know, whenever I start feeling a bit blue, I start breathing again. Double Entendre at it's finest. 

A Very Kirby Valentine

kirby euphemism double entendre video games double meaning Valentines day - 7064307200
Via VG Cats

That is Perhaps What She Uttered At One Point

innuendo double entendre stone double meaning - 6767850496

Hairy Legs

hairy Harry Potter literalism homophone harry double meaning puns double entendre bad pun - 6764197632
Via Emotionally-Inspired

Looks Like Somebody's a Derivative That Wants to Lay Tangent to Her Curves...

abbreviation double entendre Hall of Fame mathematics secant similar sounding sin tan trigonometry - 6091313664
Via Reddit


double entendre double meaning excuse frog gross Hall of Fame innuendo kermit muppet reason the muppets - 5419502592

Ivar the Chicken

chicken literalism double meaning euphemism double entendre - 6697042432
Created by _C_A_T_

Touché, Splendid Accident

came double entendre double meaning Hall of Fame innuendo literalism SOON too - 5382485248
Created by Dopamina815 ( Via Cyanide & Happiness )


booty double entendre double meaning Pirates of the Caribbean - 4846432256

This Post is Full of SUBtext

innuendo double entendre - 7007217664
Created by loppolh

Well That is Just FILTHY.

gifs false expectations tap double entendre donkey literalism ass - 7078228992

Wall I'll Be Damned

double entendre double meaning innuendo laid literalism - 6441333504
Created by PetePete
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