
doctor who

Doctor Who Better Ties the Room Together?

gifs David Tennant tent mat similar sounding Matt Smith literalism doctor who - 6895043840


dalek double meaning doctor who ginger gingerbread gingerbread man hair literalism problems root - 4561323520
Created by WingedPegasus

The Long Lost Dr. Seuss Title

doctor who double meaning dr seuss elephant Hall of Fame literalism tardis - 5091987456
Created by ammusionist

Spanish Doctor Who is Best Doctor Who

gifs spanish tardis similar sounding doctor who hashtag - 6978277120

Who Thinks of This?

puns doctor who doctors funny - 7710956544

I Would Have Guessed it Was an Insurance Issue, But Whatever

question paradox pair doctor who homophones - 7122076160


art dalek doctor who Hall of Fame iconic literalism painting salvador Dali similar sounding - 4988427520

Exterminate Your Taste Buds

dalek doctor who - 7354967552

Admit it, You've Had This Thought a Dozen Times

ten surname David Tennant literalism doctor who homophones - 7075880448
Created by Sofa-Knee ( Via Sofa Knee )

When You're the Lord of Something, You Can Do Whatever You Want With it!

answer docs doctor who double meaning Hall of Fame homophones literalism pair paradox question time - 5456376576
Created by Dubulous

Matt Smith Said it So it Must Be True

doctor who Hall of Fame literalism Matt Smith similar sounding - 5863182592
Created by Tellyporter231

Ducktor Who: Pond-Lord

duck doctor who - 7360848128

The Twowlth Doctor

doctor who double meaning homophone literalism Owl sound - 6562370560
Created by EtchArtist ( Via Cafe Press )

It's Doctor Hoot, the Punlord

tardis doctor who - 7354961664
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