

Sonic Resents That Remark

question answer advice hedgehog double meaning - 7104304128

Nice Double Entendre You've Got There, Northampton General

advice double entendre double meaning Hall of Fame innuendo use - 6265013248
Via Punblr

Time's a-Melting!

advertisement advice literalism sign similar sounding words bad puns - 5082234112
Created by Unknown

Transformative Advice

advice Hall of Fame literalism megatron negative optimist optimus prime similar sounding transformers - 4711647232
Created by battousai

And Then Your Voice Will Get Really Shanghai

advice Hall of Fame homophone homophones innuendo meme - 5202616320
Created by fbastage

It's Good for Your Vitruvian Manhood

advice art double meaning flash literalism misinterpretation photography - 4745345280
Created by catsuberalles

These Two Look Quite Foxy in Their New Ride

advice brand car cool double meaning literalism rap sunglasses type - 6591948032
Via Liz Climo


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Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, Cooking Poooooooot ROAST!

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Via Completely Serious Comics

Know the Difference

advice bad caution difference Hall of Fame literalism similar sounding warning - 5588261376
Via Tastefully Offensive

Riding the Love Chain

flirting puppy advice homophones trick - 7069151488
Created by Static_Bunny ( Via The Pepper Pancake )

Why an Imp, Though?

advice instructions literalism lolwut similar sounding - 6276428544
Created by Gamzee Makara ( Via Homestuck )

Draw Yourself a Bath

advice bath chocolate double meaning draw forever alone literalism - 6091983104


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Now I See Why You Said That!

contacts eye literalism advice lost - 7114649600

<title> Bad HTML Pun </title>

advice coding double meaning HTML - 6498931968
Created by IUgrad505