

Oh, and Her Bewbs Are Nice Too

double meaning Hall of Fame innuendo literalism Owl owls side by side - 6323680512
Created by xyzpdq1

What's with Owl the Fuss?

Horatio Cane - Cartoon - I guess you could say that this bird... 23 n23 ow GETS STUCK IN CAR GRILL OWL GETS STUCK IN CAR GRILL FLORIDA YEEAAAAH |...got owl up in her grill. SO MUCH PUN.COM
Created by YJCH0I

Pleated Jeans Punimals

animals cat Cats dolphin dolphins double meaning literalism names Owl owls platypus puns - 6567818496
Via Pleated Jeans

Owlbert Einstein

albert einstein einstein orly Owl relativity similar sounding - 5895688704
Via F Yeah Dementia
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