
Let's get some shoes. Shoes are what separates us from a banana. That and a few genetic twists. Shoes have become a global sensation for young and old collectors alike. If you're all about that footwear and everything that has to do with it, fantastic. But not flip flops or sandals, get out of here with that nonsense.

burger food Image shoes wtf - 6148928768

Tastes Like Real Feet

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Real Cowboy Shoes

burger Image shoes wtf - 5215649792

Is It Nike?

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Very Grassy Shoes

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Einstein's General Theory of Style

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Image shoes wtf - 4790173440

Tug of Shoe?

Funny picture of the perfect dancing shoes which have Legos all over them with the caption joking that nobody will want to step on your toes with these on.


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He knows what you're looking at, but that doesn't explain anything.

Image shoes wtf - 5040025600

How Futuristic

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The Question That's Plagued Humankind Forever

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The Boys Are Back

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bro Image shoes shopped pixels - 6596398848

Sweet Photoshop Bro

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