
Got milk? We do. It would be utter-ly inconsiderate of us not to provide you with hilarious and punny memes and jokes all about that great source of Calcium. These silky smooth laughs will have you making sure you grow big and strong with another glass of milk to go with them.

christmas milk holiday - 6850843904


1098006 1099689 food men milk shopping voting-page women - 1820795648

Shopping List: milk, eggs, bread

cereal clean flow chart food Image milk wash - 4974734080

Or If There's Only a Little Milk in the Carton

animation cereal commercials delicious Image milk Pie Chart - 4363615744

It's a Familiar Taste

4chan Babies Image Line Graph milk sandbags - 4155326976

christmas booze milk - 6854309888

What's Making You Sick This Holiday

chocolate coffee foam Image milk types venn diagram water - 5117561344

That's What's In a Cappuccino?!

1098006 1099689 cereal food milk situational humor voting-page - 1541840128

When I have Milk

1098006 1099689 milk money voting-page water wine - 2098377984

ShamWow Absorbency

pie charts cheese butter milk eggs graphs funny - 7510131968

Things that go into a cheesecake

drinks milk pie graph - 7909332992

Strawberry isn't Even an Option