drive thru

Ahhh the drive-thru. Parent's salvation from not knowing how to cook, and kids salvation how to get themselves absolutely filthy while eating and enjoy every second. If you've ever had a classic drive-thru story, chances are you might find something to relate to.

drive thru McDonald's Pie Chart - 3940884992

drive thru Image Pie Chart - 5380464128

What About Cone-ing?

drive thru fast food Image ketchup over 9000 Pie Chart - 5480193024

What Does the Scouter Say About Their Ketchup Level

1099689 bag check drink drive thru fast food french fries ketchup Pie Chart spill voting-page - 3429979904

What people do immediately after driving away from the Drive-Thru

1099689 college drive thru exams fast food hard high school study voting-page work - 2951002112

How college works

1098006 1099689 age drive thru future Line Graph president voting-page wal mart - 2690010112

What you think you will be in the future, and where you actually end up