

I Blame Jaws

equation Image Sad sharks wtf - 5216450304
Created by Bast

Shoes, Really?

infographic phone Sad weird - 5065637376

Probability that you have done something wrong

nothing probability Sad talk wrong - 2654878720
Created by Zoda-Z

Got Those Feels

Sad feels cry - 7761179392
Created by SquidInTheSky99

I Imagine This Is Also True for Available Men

fish Maps Sad serious - 4829713408
Via Guardian

Songs listened to when sad

better Death dying feel happy listen Pie Chart Sad Songs - 3028499968
Created by katarine1420

Back to the Grind

college Sad school summer - 5148468736

What Pizza Actually Tastes Like

Sad pizza food - 7885817088

Forever a Scapegoat

blame Pie Chart Sad work - 4871318528
Created by pcman1985

"Oh Sure, Your Eyes are 'Watery' Because You 'Yawned'"

crying eyes Pie Chart Sad tears - 4626287616

Holiday Dreams

Sad dreams holiday reality funny - 7433123840
Created by Bert-n-Ernie ( Via Cagle )

It's Okay, You Still Have Alfred

batman comics forever alone infographic movies Sad television - 4767943424

Has Changed Her Relationship Status to Single and Loving It

Bar Graph facebook relationships Sad - 5331399424
Created by Olavi15

The female dilemma

Sad unfortunate - 7153835776
Created by SupRflyDK ( Via Chart Attack )

But Dogs Are so Cute

best of week crying Death dogs IRL Pie Chart Sad - 5863668224
Created by Lethaldonut

Widow Tweed, What Are You Doing?!

Bar Graph Sad - 4748164096