Art of Trolling


This kid has a one track mind

Test answer a kid put on a test in which everything is a toilet answer.
Via Trolling

Sorry, Ma!

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It Doesn't Get Much More Legit Than This

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Game, Set, Match: Students

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Your Locker Number is 1025.5

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Created by Norman_Steel

"Sorry Bro, I Had To..."

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Reeeal Helpful, Buddy

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He Really Forms the Foundation of the Department

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Slow day

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Created by HorseGuy

The Bathroom's Got Your Back

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Like Father Like Son

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Created by therealsonic

He Thought It Was Funny Until...

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Hey, Can I See Your Homework?

Via drbatookhan

"Bro, You Got Something on Your Shoulder"

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Netflix Has the Best Student Deals


Not Those States

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