Art of Trolling


Relationship Memes

Relationship memes are a basic tenant of meme sharing in general. There are relationship memes that single people can enjoy. There are relationship memes that are cutesy if you're into that sort of thing. There are funny relationship memes. There are relationship memes of many kinds as is the case with all things meme. 

How Relationships Really End

it always ends in 2001 a space odyssey
Via The Internet Clown
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Lonely Dude Documents Three Years of Being the 3rd Wheel

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single relationships dating - 81154049

ATTENTION SINGLES: This New Website Guarantees To Find You a Partner

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Ayy Lmao

forever alone relationships dating - 8399686912

Sweet, Sweet Vengeance

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Safety First!

driving facebook relationships women - 5593476608
Created by Guywiddahhair
relationships prank dating FAIL Video - 75243009

Get Single Fast With These Easy Pranks!

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There's Always One Woman That Will Pretend to Love You

Via Bits and Pieces

Maybe He's Gonna Go Home and Sniff It

dumb obvious relationships - 5219878656

Only Being Honest


How to Seduce a Guy in 8 Easy Steps

Game of Thrones relationships red wedding dating - 7782355968

Bigger Bites Please

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Say Goodbye to the Doghouse

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Via Nessie_Assassin

He's Already Bought a House

Awkward relationships Skyrim video games - 5437776640
Created by Unknown


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Created by dcgillette

Don't Make Me Do What the Kid in the Video Did

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Created by mjc3183