Art of Trolling


I mustache you not to laugh, these majestic pieces of facial hair are a man's (or woman's) crowning show of vigor. Some may just grow it out endlessly, others may style it, and still others create a diorama of the Battle of Gettysburg from their lip whiskers. So enjoy how far someone can take a mustache joke and check out these memes and gifs all about the stash.

Mustache? What Mustache?

mustache photoshop request trolling - 6058618112
Created by PhotoshopTroll ( Via Photoshop Troll )

Your Van is Really Cool Too

facebook mustache pedobear - 6133956096
Created by EarlGray93

This Pun Was Months in the Making

mustache puns prank g rated win - 8322581760
Via ryankrameretc

Don't Worry, It's Treatable

billboard IRL mustache sign - 5400463616
Created by LostTribe

That's the Third Name I Try

cat IRL lost mustache sign - 4706827520
Via The High Definite

You Now See It as a Mustache...

mustache - 7944353024