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The '90s Bully Was a Person Who Lived on Our TV Screens

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I May Not be Good at Jeopardy, But I'm Pretty Sure I'd Excel and Jeffpardy

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Cheering for Strangers Is the Creepiest Harmless Prank Ever

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Oh, Westworld Is Basically Jurassic Park

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Game of Throne's High Sparrow Reads Celebrity Tweets and Yes, It's as Incredible as You Think It Will Be

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Classic: The Hell Was That First Guy Doing?

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Y U So Mad? It's Only Natural!

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Well That's One Way of Throwing an Inbound Pass

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Navy Roommate Trolled Mercilessly During Finals Week

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Sometimes Subtlety is Enough

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Someone Edited Nickelback Lyrics Into a Song That's So Silly, You Can Almost Sit Through the Whole Thing

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How to Keep Strangers From Knocking at Your Door

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Bald People Are So Cute

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What a Clever and Original, Thoughtful Prank

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The Stranger Things Theme Song Sounds Great Mashed Up With Almost Anything

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Someone Turned Ryan Lochte's Interview Into a Summer Anthem for Drunk Frat Boys