
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

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If You've Ever Wondered How the Common Pokémon Are Distributed in Pokémon GO

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This Video Explains Why Your Food Takes So Long at the Restaurant

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If You Had to Dress Yourself Based on RPG Stats

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Well That's One Way of Throwing an Inbound Pass

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Guy Trolls His Roommate Whenever He Plays Acoustic Guitar By Belting Out Green Day's 'Good Riddance'

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This Just Your Regular Tap Water, This is ADVANCED Tap Water!

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This Is Embarrassing, Goddangit

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The Best Subway Rides Are Ones That Have Pizza Parties

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Pranksters Stop Bike Thieves With an Exploding Airbag Seat

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This Video is the Perfect Parody of Those Competitive Friends Who are Just SOOOO Tired

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People on Yahoo! Answers Have No Idea How to Masturbate, or How to Spell It

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It Didn't Take Long for Someone to Edit That Giant Florida Alligator Into Jurassic Park

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Mark Malkoff Convinces People That His Crappy Gaming Headset from the '90s is Google Glass

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This Sunscreen That Smells Like Fried Chicken Will Probably Get You Eaten by Seagulls

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Luke Is Clearly Tired of Being All by Himself in This Star Wars Parody Alternate Ending

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A Fan Constructed A "Documentary" About the REAL Karate Kid