
Omegle is an open chat website which is a recipe for hilariousness when combined with the ability to screenshot. You really never know what you'll find, or see, or who. It's truly the modern day chat roulette of yore. So check out some of the best Omegle moments you'll ever see and remember these people the next time you log on.

gullible internet moon Omegle - 6438002176

Mexico, We Have a Problem

i own a horse master Omegle puzzles spelling - 4366110720


asl narnia Omegle - 3440209152

Can I get your ASLAN?

god Omegle Rebecca Black rick roll - 5230168064

Never Gonna Give Up Friday

keyboard Omegle spymode twilight - 5785278208

Stephenie Must Have a Bruised Forehead

Omegle idiots genius - 6829121024


audi girl Omegle - 4369575424

Got an Outie for My Sweet 16

legs Omegle photoshop - 4691495424

Long Torso

chat Omegle rick roll - 4619150848


Omegle roleplay sandwich - 5209665536

Do My Laundry While You're At It

Sad Omegle forever alone birthday - 6973772544

The Saddest

fashion midgets Omegle sexytimes - 5333289216

But Do You Wear Them First?

gender god Nyan Cat Omegle - 5072790528

Then Why Do Goddesses Exist?

burn Cats Omegle - 4289028608

They Feel the Burn

mask Omegle v for vendetta - 5256003072

As the Fifth of November Nears

asl Awkward daughter Omegle parent - 4551447040

You're Grounded