
Omegle is an open chat website which is a recipe for hilariousness when combined with the ability to screenshot. You really never know what you'll find, or see, or who. It's truly the modern day chat roulette of yore. So check out some of the best Omegle moments you'll ever see and remember these people the next time you log on.

question Omegle idiots - 6867386624


call me maybe Omegle rick roll spymode - 6400536576

Roll Me Maybe

Omegle lemonparty chat - 4267805696

Don't Try It

chat Omegle voting-page - 4366355456

Learn 2 Omegle, Loser

Omegle dogs chat - 7035211520

RuFF! RuFF! grrrrrrrruuf!

Omegle pikachu Pokémon roleplay school sexytime - 4366156032

Raichu Used Leer

dinosaur Omegle question spy mode t rex - 5072936960

That Hurt More Than the Brick

fun bags Omegle win - 4805507328

Success Kid 2.0

Omegle water bacon - 7434248448

Bacon Would Fuel Your Soul Though...

funbags monkey moobs Omegle weird - 4948773888

The Clown Could Have Them Too!

asl female male Omegle - 5027163136

How Dare You Call Me a Moraf

feet Omegle rick roll spymode - 5374981120

Never Gonna Tongue Your Toes

axe Omegle weapons - 4651900160

And My Bow! (Ner)

future justin bieber Omegle terminator - 4289139712

The Biebinator...

lady fun bags Omegle penis - 4393536768

Downstairs Mix-Up

Omegle Pokémon relationships - 6323307008

Why Not Use a Masterball?