Web Comics

web comics

If the internet was a newspaper, Web Comics would be the funnies pages that people go for when it first shows up at their doorstep early in the morning.

Just You Wait...

dogs web comics - 8981946624
Via theycantalk

Why Don't You Check on Him, Mary. He's YOUR Son

web comics jesus Why Don't You Check on Him, Mary. He's YOUR Son
Via sanscomics


literalism web comics - 8758894848
Via AngryatNothing

The Origin of The Biggest Hit

web comics - 8399659520
Via Spider Pig X

Hacker Dog

dogs hacking web comics - 8985217280
Via linsedition

Do You Enjoy Your Own BO?

sun web comics - 8259691264
Via SEO Kim

What It Feels Like to Hard Reset Your Computer

computers sad but true web comics - 8449384704
Created by Derp-a-derp ( Via Depressed Alien )

But What If the 99% Becomes Antibiotic Resistant?

germs web comics - 8750424576
Via itsthetie

Quiet Riot

panda spelling web comics - 8063187200
Via Minimumble

Keep the Long Necks at Bay! Make Eurasia Great Again!

Via dustinteractive

I Think It Went Well

web comics interview I Think It Went Well
Via kevstees

Habits of The Common Bookworm

books nerds web comics - 8325890560
Via Sarah See Andersen

Dad's Solution to Money Problems

Via Dad Joke Comics

Cloud Strife

Via TheVeryNearFuture
shark comics

The Secret Life Of Sharks Hilariously Described In These Awesome Comics

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The Fate of The World's Broccoli Supply

Via Leftover Salad