Web Comics


Steak is life. There are literally dozens of ways to cook a steak and more than 60 different cuts of meat, each with their own unique culinary attributes. So if you know the difference between an A5 Wagyu and a Wagyu MB9, this is the place for you. If you cook your steaks over medium, just make a hamburger.

Is It Because Rib's Don't Have Eyes?

steak puns skeletons web comics - 8372295936
Via Frenums

Food Fight at a Nice Restaurant

steak puns restaurant food web comics - 8277504512
Via Bacon Asylum

The Only Meat I'll Eat is Actually Butter

butter paula deen steak TV - 5098328064
Created by EloiseRaeCullen

The Cow Was a Total Jerk

steak puns food funny cows web comics - 7788071168
Via Extra Fabulous Comics