
They Said

Never Again, Not Worth It

They Said - 8017469696

Kids Feel Weird Hanging Out at Cons

cosplay kids conventions They Said - 7686454016

Mom, Can I Come Over?

adulthood They Said - 7405316608

Worse Than Grenade Mods

borderlands 2 video games They Said - 7397640192
Created by MLGisNot4Me

You'll Love the Snow, They Said

Canada snow winter They Said - 7119184640
Created by booshWRX

Ooh Look Honey, a Sale!

shopping relationships They Said - 7080008704

So Nutritious, They Said

cute otters watermelon They Said - 7064956160
Created by macierzynski

You Would Have Been Better Off Touching the Butt

noms fish They Said - 7019147776
Created by BigBadBelts

Lol, If You Say So

dead assassins creed They Said - 6931399680
Created by PrincessWordplay

Seems Legit

wifi trojan horse They Said - 6890439168
Created by youri123

Dogs are Friendly, They Said

evil dogs They Said - 6866627584

You're Not Too Heavy!

FAIL swings They Said - 6827452160

Mess With the Cops, They Said

Occupy Wall Street arrested They Said - 6723041280
See all captions Created by Sojothegreat

Can't Remember What... I Was... Hm.

distraction dinner breakup They Said - 6695853824
Created by willshale

Look at Her Death Stare

They Said yoda toy cars toyota star wars - 6213309952
Created by Unknown

Looks Fun to Me

roller coaster They Said fun voting-page - 6470171136
Created by neromonn
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