

reddit, job, work, jobs, management, boss, lying, time off, bad, quit, quitting

Workers Reveal What Made Them Quit Jobs On The Spot

Ah, employment. There's nothing like a dead-end job or a lousy boss to make you hate everything about your existence, and sadly, these conditions are a lot more common than they should be. We've all had to put up with things that shouldn't happen at work, but it is only a brave or at least extremely peed off few who are bold enough to quit on the spot. At least, that's what you might expect. However, an AskReddit by u/Sketch99 which questioned what made people immediately leave their jobs sugge…
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Story about employees of noah's bagels quitting their jobs because a manager was unjustly fired

Entire Staff of Bagel Store Quits In Response to Manager's Unjust Termination

We often make fun of employers who compare staff to a family. It's a corny sentiment that rarely rings true. But it seems like for Noah's Bagel Shop in Vacaville, California, the sentiment was a reality. After the store's manager Bre Kowalski was suspended due to a supposed customer complaint, she discovered that her final paycheck had been deposited into her bank account. Instead of giving her the suspension, her employers had decided to fire here - without giving any notification. They eventu…
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job, work, quit, quitting, announcement, coworkers, management, walmart, tiktok

Disgruntled Worker Quits Retail Job, Calls Out Management On Store Intercom

The definition of a mic drop
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quitting, i quit, jobs, anti work, tiktok, funny, viral videos, work

Tiktoker’s Coworker Epically Quits Job in Middle of Zoom Meeting

Anyone who's suffered through a job they despise has fantasized about ditching work and never coming back, which is why @idontevencarethoo_ 's viral TikTok of a coworker quitting in front the whole company is so satisfying to hear. Keep scrolling to live vicariously through one stranger's triumphant “ I quit. "
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Funny ways that people quit their jobs, spicy, attitude

People Who Quit Their Jobs In Enviably Spicy Fashions

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Funny ways people quit their jobs | Follow @Jesushuh Quit my job today end 2017 and now 's time BIGGER and better things 2018. GRUBHUB Porn hub | grape @grace_higginss my mom is so extra she really did all this just quit her job cookies cakes Follow My 2 Week Notice My Work Here is Done QUIT Best Resignation

People Who Quit Their Jobs With Style And Grace

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Just Breathe

Funny work meme, lizard.
Via anlyin

You're On Your Own, Sinners

pope retirement quitting - 7057556480
Created by rencol

Philosoraptor: Why I Only Play Single Player

forever alone philosoraptor quitting rage suicide - 4902817792
See all captions Created by Matt.Bloch

Guys Quits His Job, Leaves an Epic 'Out of Office' Message on His Account

the simpsons quitting monday thru friday g rated - 7443393024
Via Reddit
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