

Be Mine.

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Created by Jaybird


Aliens hilarious question wtf - 6183734784
Created by ParaGate

Felines in Paris

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Via Robot in Disguise

Well, Are You?

Hall of Fame literalism porpoise purpose question similar sounding - 6166549760
Via Punblr

Poor Embarrassed

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Created by Unknown

Thanks, God. Now I'm Really Crabby.

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Via Reddit

Too Much Time... Or Too Many Sticks?

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Created by ToolBee

Let's Not Be Discriminatory Here...

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Via Pleated Jeans

You Don't Say?

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No, But I Am Made of Plutonium, Nitrogen, Carbon and Hydrogen...

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Via Eat Liver


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Funny You Should Ask...

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Via Married to the Sea

Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day?

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Created by Ginctm ( Via XKCD )

Sure, You Seem Like a Pheasant Enough Fellow

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Created by Kraken42

That's Not Particularly Reassuring...

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Created by LOLdogexpert

Ce Parlez en Francais, S'il Vous Plait!

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Created by rhfjhguibhfr