

Books Let the Imagination Run Free... And Sometimes That's a Weird Thing.

face misinterpretation literalism hit sun morbid description - 7113852416
Via Reddit

A Modern-Age Battering Ram

false expectations literalism - 7113847040
Via Reddit

Don't Press the Issue, Man. He's Down on His Luck Right Now.

depressed misinterpretation literalism - 7104450048
Created by Galpa ( Via Self-Employed Comics )

What a Scandalous Selfie!

me misinterpretation literalism picture topless - 7101954048

Looks Like Someone Cadillacs Parking Skills...

similar sounding literalism pun - 7101940224

Once Again, Gemma Correll Delivers

literalism description bacon - 7101979392

Finally, Relationship Advice You Can Really Use!

twitter tip relationships literalism advice hashtag double meaning - 7103943936
Via @abispades

Not What I Meant Not What I Meant NOT WHAT I MEANT

false expectations misinterpretation Pirate literalism booty double meaning - 7093626880
Created by Galpa ( Via Self-Employed Comics )

For Those Who Are Into Counterfeited Jeans

money laundering laundering literalism money - 7086288128
Created by xyzpdq1

Jeez Bill, What's Your F&%@ing Problem!?

insensitive face long lolwut evil literalism - 7101517824
Via Nathan Bulmer

Theology in a Way You've Never Experienced It!

literalism prefix biology - 7085053952
Created by poopsmith411

That Feel When You Start Filling in Your CV

literalism - 7094120704
Via Reddit

This is Why You Shouldn't Do Drugs, Friends

stoned house accident rock literalism stone Party - 7080712448


time literalism Party thyme - 7080722688

Alternately, F4 is Pretty Swell Button Too

button literalism - 7080708608
Via OMG That's Punny

This Man Just Rewrote History!

history rewrite literalism - 7085693952
Via Reddit