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25 Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy Lemon Memes

When life gives you lemons, make memes out of them
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candy, pizza memes, pop tarts, mac and cheese, lasagna, pizza, lemons, food memes, peanut butter, cursed food, mountain dew, funny food photos, gross food, food, junk food, fast food

Succulent Food Memes That are Nutritious and Delicious

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humor twitter lemons food memes lemon-memes funny memes weird memes citrus funny tweets food - 19760133

A Citrusy Burst of Lemon-Related Memes and Things

It's my belief that people take lemons for granted. Most stores, even the produce-phobic bodegas of Brooklyn , have a least a few to offer the acid-seeking individuals of the world. Lemons gussy up water. They add zip to salad dressings, their zest is crucial for many baked goods, and they taste good as hell in a cocktail. Lemons have inspired tired phrases (When life gives you lemons… ) and denigrating ones (when we're talking about disappointing people or things). Lemon-flavored things also g…
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Much Sour

Caption that reads, "Just watched my dog try to eat a lemon" above a bunch of pics of a cute dog eating a lemon and making funny faces
Via BoomBoomSaloon

With Pinkies Up Too

Caption that reads, "Is this what private schools are like?" above a pic of a lemon slice on a water foundtain
Via kirbstomp154

All Together Now!

Funny meme about bon jovi, livin on a prayer
Via dankmemesgang

When Life Hands You Lemons... Make Cereal?

Via EveningEarlGrey

When Life Gives You Lemons by All Means Don't Make Lemonade...

Via lolnein

I Don't Think That's How They Named It

web comics lemons puns I Don't Think That's How They Named It
Via oneofmanythingscomic

Wait, What? If Life Gives You... Awwwwwwwwww Man, C'mon!

plastic surgery lemons funny - 7435524096

Squirrel Loves to Eat Lemon

gifs lemons critters squirrels - 8489768704

Mmm, Orange Juice

funny idiots lemons sign wtf - 8251066880

Dog Licks Lemon

dogs gifs lemons - 8461372160

When Life Gives You Lemons

Babies gifs lemons reactions - 8380936192
Created by ToolBee

Guess That's What Happens When Life Gives You Lemons

life gifs lemons puns - 8370469888

Sold As-Is

FAIL gifs lemons cars - 8160183040
Created by jyonasan1957
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