

Jumping up and down like there is no tomorrow. Bungie your way through your day with these buoying memes and jokes that will have you leaping up for joy. Don't confine yourself to a chair all day, give yourself a break and shake it off and jump all around with these hopping memes puns and jokes.

Might as Well Jump

gifs bridges jumping - 8146463488
Created by ToolBee

This is a Good Place For Me

boxes gifs Cats jumping - 8143589120

Helicopter Kick

kicks gifs jumping - 8139764224
Created by ToolBee

Hiccuping Seal

gifs seals critters jumping - 8146080512
Created by anselmbe

Leaning Makes My Kart Turn Faster, I Swear!

gifs jumping video games - 8142468864

Highway Olympics Gold Medal

GIF of a deer jumping right over the hood of a speeding car on the highway, without anyone or anything getting hurt or damaged.
Created by beernbiccies

Jumping From One Challenge to Another

gifs wheels unicycle jumping - 8132491264
Via Bing

"Who Wants to Eat?"

excited dogs gifs food jumping - 8114771968

A Hop Changes Everything!

spiders mother of god jumping - 8111422720

Window is Closed for Business

FAIL gifs windows Cats jumping - 8108914944
Via Lawebloca

Board Guys Hanging Out

mindwarp gifs jumping - 8110512896

Not a Good Idea

wtf FAIL gifs jumping - 8109020160
Created by anselmbe ( Via Visual Consumer )

Jumping Kitty

gifs Cats jumping - 8100138496
Created by ToolBee

Bike Racing in The Woods

GIF of some cool off road bike racing in the woods with awesome ramps and modifications made to make it more fun.

Rabbit Goes Through The Hurdles

critters gifs jumping rabbits - 8083618560

Cats That Suck at Jumping

Cats gifs jumping - 8096456960