

twitter thread, informative, knowledge, english, grammar, Mnemonic, educational, interesting, twitter, insightful, interesting tweets, words, language

Proofreader Offers Useful Mnemonic Devices for Demystifying Words That Are Confusingly Similar

Bear with me, but does one bear it all or bare it all? And speaking of bears, if a bear pays me a compliment, can I complement his compliment with a compliment? Or would that negatively affect the intended effect? The English language is full of cruel tricks. There are many examples of English words that have totally different meanings and yet are nearly the same, sometimes only distinguished by a single letter. Proofreader @chronicleflask recently tried to demystify the English language in an…
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quality of life, self help, life improvement, reddit, thread, insightful, wholesome, wise, advice, happiness, mental health

Insightful Thread Reveals How People Improved Their Lives With Simple Changes

Happiness isn't something that just drops into your lap one day like winning the lottery. Joy doesn't simply arrive after some sort of spontaneous spiritual awakening. Quality of life is largely dependent on the conditions of one's environment, and although many of the things that affect those conditions are out of our control, some of them are. And as mundane as it sounds, sometimes it's the little changes that improve quality of life in ways we wouldn't expect. Like getting a trolly for carryi
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