

High as a kite... In the air whatchu talking about Willis? Whether you're at great altitude, in body or mind, you'll find plenty of high reaching memes and puns to keep you busy up there in the clouds.

He Was HamLIT, Amirite?

funny memes shakespeare pot pipes
Via Independent
Music drugs high old people Video - 74413313

Everyone Wants to See Someone's Grandparents Get High and Listen to Trap Music

View Video

Damn Gas, You So Crazy

drugs funny high gas prices - 8404362240


smell high television - 7555130112

Plato Loved Weed

high platypus funny - 8480693760
Created by MoontownRabbit

High on Life

life high idiom literalism double meaning - 6729813760
Via Punblr

F*@%ing Stoners.

double meaning Hall of Fame high literalism weed - 5684569344
Via Domics

Thanks Past Me!

good idea high food after 12 - 8458032384

High Without Drugs

yikes wtf gifs high buildings - 8425321984
Created by ToolBee

It's a Cop Magnet

cars drugs cops funny high weed - 8341669632

I Was So High I Couldn't Put This Together

awesome lego funny high after 12 - 8337170176
Via iStupid

These Bovines Are in the Weeds

steak high puns - 7781129728

Man... You Feel Soooo Soft...

high funny - 7462628096

RIng, Ring, Ring, Banana Phone!

high parenting - 7093896448

SMP CLASSIC: This Could POT-entially End Very Poorly

high double meaning - 7059264000
Created by CatFeeded

It's Good on Almost Everything...

marijuana high nutella food Pie Chart - 5262177024