

TikToker Calls Upon D&D Dungeon Masters to Reveal Their Favorite Trap They Ever Played on a Party

TikToker Calls Upon D&D Dungeon Masters to Reveal Their Favorite Trap They Ever Played on a Party

Frozen gelatinous cubes, tricky hidden symbols, illusions, and situations that are too easy to figure out, so no one ever does.
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gaming memes, dank memes, nerdy memes, geek, video games, funny memes, gaming, elden ring, playstation, steam, gta v, the witcher, fortnite, dark souls, kirby and the forgotten land, nintendo

The Best Gaming Memes of the Week (March 23, 2022)

This week in gaming news: Epic Games has removed building from Fortnite, CD Projekt Red is developing Witcher 4 on Unreal Engine 5, the Weasley family will make an appearance in the coming Hogwarts Legacy game, and Nintendo released an adorable gameplay clip of Kirby fishing in Kirby and the Forgotten Land. But you're not here for news. You're here for the memes, and we've got a bunch of dank gaming content for anyone who needs a break from Elden Ring or Horizon Forbidden West or whatever it is…
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Funny memes about anime | Teacher 5 senses are smell, hear, feel, taste and see can hear pictures Teacher can't hear pictures, silly Chunchunmaru. | drawing anime boobs understanding proportions basics shading drawing circles kid skipping stairs

Twenty-Two Anime Memes For Weebs And Casual Fans Alike

For the anime nerds!
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Funny dank memes about physics | Chemists they pick up Physics textbook CAN READ THIS? THERE'S NO hexagons Gaston taking Belle's book Beauty and the Beast | My lab instructor My lab partner reporting value g be Nancy Pelosi Donald Trump

Physics Memes That Sir Isaac Newton Would Smile Down Upon

Physics enthusiasts, we gotchu.
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Funny memes about video games, gaming | Wow look at all my bells l've earned. Tom Nook: Our bells nintendofix communist Bugs Bunny | Her only date bad boys SONY batteries in an Xbox controller

Eighteen Geeky Video Game Memes For When You're Not Gaming

Memes for the gaming enthusiasts!
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Funny memes about Dungeons and Dragons | players' paranoia has gotten out control party casting detect evil and good, detect magic, detect thoughts, and dominate monster spoon Monty Python | get out 6 hour sessions, and suddenly people are calling real name and not character name. NOW 'SANAME HAVE NOT HEARD LONG, LONG TIME Obi Wan Kenobi Star Wars

DnD Memes For When You Need A Breather From The Campaign

Roll them dice.
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Funny dank memes about science | animal's skeleton looks like scientists would recreate animal animal cute bunny | use centrifugal force instead inertia motion extract last dew drops shampoo at bottom bottle EBC know something scientist myself Spider Man Norman Osborn Willem Dafoe

Seventeen Dank Science Memes For Smarties And Brainiacs

You could say these memes are pretty...quark-y.
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Funny memes about Dungeons and Dragons | Trying convince non-DND playing friends play one shot" Okay, shouldn't take long. Between an hour and, um, 11 months. | My love making Movable npcs betray party wondering why my players have trust issues

Sixteen D&D Memes For Geeks And Nerds Alike

Get rollin'
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Funny memes about Dungeons and Dragons | grumpy jesus chris: party finally pisses off sweetest NPC Forgiveness Stops | dm: did make backstory this time :he gave up his memories his warlock powers, he doesn't remember his backstory dm: Listen here little sht

Forty-One D&D Memes Because You Nerds Love 'Em

Roll for initiative!
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Funny dank memes from IT Crowd entitled, "I'll Just Put This Over Here With The Rest Of The Fire" | find new song favorite playlist put this over here with rest the fire | News Health Coronavirus testing kits heading UK found be contaminated with Covid-19 l'll just put this over here with rest fire.

Dank 'IT Crowd' Memes That Came Straight From A Dumpster Fire

"I'll just put this over here..."
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Funny and nerdy tumblr posts, lord of the rings, dungeons and dragons, dank memes | tardis-stowaway epidemiologist held monkey's paw. He knew its legend, but he thought if he wished something selfless, something not too vast, perhaps would come true without too high cost. He thought carefully, and then said wish proper handwashing technique become meme 202O And so did. 5,744 notes

Just A Bunch Of Weird & Nerdy Tumblr Posts

Something for the geek in all of us.
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Funny dank memes about science, physics, biology, chemistry | someone insults by saying have IQ room temperature *Laughs Kelvin* accidentally type AGAGAGA instead HAHAHAH backone Laughs Deoxyribonucleic Acid dna

Fifteen Dank Science Memes For Nerds Only

How do astronomers organize a party?
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Whatever Will We Do

Funny meme that reads, "Video games be like" above a photo of a cart in the way with text below that reads, "The path is blocked!"
Via anlyin
Funny memes about being antisocial | Boss: there are pros and cons with working here ok Boss: like arrange lots fun activities employees right, and pros? the joker dancing and joaquin phoenix sitting alone my room public

Antisocial Memes You Can Browse Through In Solitude

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Funny memes about engineering | signs on a lab door Please SHOWER at least every 24 hours while using this lab Please WASH CLOTHES Also (PSLynx is not shower). couple on a date Her an engineer trying impress her don't understand physics either

Engineering Memes For Anyone Considering Dropping Out Of School

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Funny memes about video games

Video Game Memes For The Gamers Among Us

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