

Don't let this guy watch your kids

Harry Potter harry potter memes dumbledore - 9001905152
Via littleyellowsubmarines

In Heaven Everything is Fine

Via Pear Shaped Comics

What About a Super-Ultra Wizard

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Hogwarts Protesting

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Albus Is a Master of Disguise

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Get It Right!!!

dumbledore Harry Potter funny - 7948507392

Your a Wizard, Door.

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Classic: Dumbledora the Explorer

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Dumbledora the Explorer

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In My Day, We Called People Their Full Names!

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Created by DetonatorKing

Dumbledore Gets Gas

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Created by freshbru

Dumbledore Takes the Bus

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SMP CLASSIC: Dumbledoor

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Created by xyzpdq1

Coming Soon...

Dumb and Dumber dumbledore Harry Potter - 5625376512
Created by criedley

This Time the Dog Van Is Flying

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The Goblet of Trolls

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