
donald trump

Funny swole doge vs cheems memes, dank memes | Teachers normal classes Stop talking Teachers now please guys say something | waitstaff CocaCola had keep my cool room packed with people with managers screaming at and customers trying sexually assault Police shoot people who aren't even looking at

38 Swole Doge Vs. Cheems Memes That Prove They're Still Going Strong

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Funny meme about how donald trump tweet sounds like jar jar binks | @Goosenpai Jar Jar Binks after seeing you bench press 2501bs: Donald J. Trump O @realDonaldTrump ld USA STRONG! 2:43 PM • 4/6/20 • Twitter Web App
Via @memebase

A Tremendous Job

Funny meme that reads, "Government: Work from home; Hairdressers: ..." above a GIF of a guy pretending to brush and blow dry Trump's hair on TV
Via plattGameKing
Funny video that makes Donald Trump's comments on 'disinfectant' into a song

This 'Trump Disinfectant Remix' Is A Serious Banger

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Funny reaction memes and tweets to Donald Trump's comments about bleach | distracted boyfriend TRUMP GYDROKYCHLOROQUINE BLEACH | black and white effect

Internet Reacts To Trump's Comments About Injecting Disinfectant To Cure COVID-19

Please don't inject yourself with disinfectant.
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Funny tweet that reads, "This photo of Donald Trump's mum looks like a character in a film about Trump's life where Trump plays all the roles" above a photo of Mary Trump
Via ltron5717
Funny photoshopped images and memes about the Ohio quarantine protesters | tweet by Zack Bornstein @ZackBornstein 28 Business Days Later (2020) future canon @futurecanon Apr 15 Will be forever haunted by this image protestors Ohio demanding governor open businesses back up Show this thread UMP 3:46 PM Apr 15, 2020 Twitter Web App | woman yelling at a cat meme

Ohio Quarantine Protesters Are Supplying Memers With Some Premium Photoshop Material

WTF is wrong with people...
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Funny tweets about Jared Kushner aging poorly, plastic surgery, twitter memes | Calle @calleread saw an old pic Jared Kushner and now completely freaked out happened his face? DoN MECHANIC 7:28 PM 4/12/20 Twitter iPhone | Chase Thomas @ChaseThomas89 Replying calleread 7:29 PM 4/13/20 Salt Lake City, UT Twitter iPhone Voldemort

Jared Kushner's Deterioration Inspires Hilarious Twitter Scrutiny

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Funny memes about coronavirus, coronavirus memes, dank memes, stupid memes, dr. fauci, donald trump, lockdown memes, quarantine memes | Government follow these steps apply assistance steps: frozen staircase | Trump says literally anything about coronavirus Dr. Anthony Fauci two seconds later: Everything guy just said is bullshit.

Thirty Memes To Take Into The Corona-pocalypse

Get ready for some relatable quarantine content.
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Political memes and tweets, donald trump, coronavirus, marianne williamson, covid-19, economy, economics, stock market, stonks |  56 0.9% 0.12% 0. 68 2.28614563 .156 0287 Wrstonks 602 0.1204 34 N/ 121 0.1902 SZT | Marianne Williamson @marwilliamson used this image Titanic couple days ago and writer hates repeat herself, but bears repeating going through now is upper class passengers trying lock people steerage so only they could get available lifeboats.

Political Memes & Tweets For The Masochists

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Funny random memes, gaming memes, fantasy memes, donald trump, coronavirus, relatable memes, dank memes, meme about not wanting to see visiting relatives | Relatives who just arrived at our house donald trump walking away | star wars obi wan and anakin fight  underestimate my power Don't try .

Fifty-Four Tasty Memes To Ease Your Sunday Pain

Sundays are rough.
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Video of a Trump supporter woman who doesn't think that coronavirus is real

MAGA Lady Straight Up Denies That Coronavirus Exists

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funny memes about coronavirus, coronavirus memes, dank memes, covid-19 memes, dumb memes, toilet paper, toilet paper shortage | Americans corona test costs thousands dollars rest world: huind Wait guys have pay tests? | People with unwiped butts People who bought all toilet paper anime girl hiding from skeleton under table

Coronavirus Memes To Help You Laugh Through The Anxiety

Hang in there.
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Memes about bad parents | Parents why is our son not successful Also parents during my childhood have no skills and loser! squidward | Mom claims she'll support anyone who comes out her comes out as bi Mom weren't supposed do STATE UNION Donald Trump

Depressing Memes About Bad Parents

The struggle is real.
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Funny political memes about the democratic race for the presidency, bernie sanders, socialism, michael bloomberg, russia, media coverage, election 2020, pete buttigieg, elizabeth warren, donald trump | NEWS Hillary Clinton admits she feels an 'urge run against Trump again By Mark Moore January 28, 2020 10:21am Everyone disliked | political predictions have been proven wrong 763rd Time Media Russians nut button

Fresh Election Memes For Anyone Who Isn't Sick Of The Democratic Race

This is already one hell of a ride.
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Funny and cringey tweets designating the democratic candidates as broadway musicals, joe biden, pete buttigieg, bernie sanders, elizabeth warren, amy klobuchar, michael bloomberg, tom steyer, marianne williamson | Joe Biden: Miss Saigon Deeply its time, which is Vietnam War Kinda racist grandparents love though Miss Saigon | Allison Epstein @rapscallison Replying rapscallison Pete Buttigieg: Dear Evan Hansen just

The Democratic Candidates As Broadway Musicals, Because Twitter

We should not be surprised that this has happened.
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