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Geriatric Millennial praises Gen Z for having the 'right attitude' towards working retail: ''I could care less'... That is truly the correct attitude to have'

In retail, being blasé is the only way
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company, companies, boss, toxic boss, horrible bosses, bosses, terrible bosses, donate, donations, pto, money, take my money, antiwork, work, workplace stories, toxic workplace, workplace

Billion-dollar company asks $19.95/hour wage workers to donate to colleague: 'I don't make enough to save my coworkers from disaster'

Isn't that your job?
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boomer ceo boomers uno-reverse work working workplace it technology employee employees office manager job business company reddit story

'Boomer dad got Boomered': Progressive CEO buys employees laptops so they can work from home, gets endless complaints from a technologically challenged older woman

Can she not Google, "how to connect two monitors"?
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boss worker entrepreneur employee small business owner relatable memes work memes entrepreneurship work funny memes working workplace self employed company business - 25425669

23 Entrepreneur Memes for Small Business Owners Always on the Clock

can't get fired if you own the company
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work, workplace, coworkers, workplace stories, toxic workplace, antiwork, toxic work environment, work stories, company, toxic boss, overtime, hours, pto, workweek, vacation

'So...6% pay rise for everyone?': Company mandates 42.5 hour work week, does not offer overtime

So not cool
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fired, firing, laid off, employee, company, incompetent, work, reddit, reddit thread, story, tifu

'It took them almost TWO months': Incompetent company accidentally fire employee, don't realize until mandatory training

That wasn't severance pay
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getting fired, laptops, antiwork, employee, fired, job, fired story, passwords, work, password, reddit story, employees, reddit thread, Reddit, company, laptop

Company begs employee to tell them his work laptop's password 6 months after he was fired: 'Even I can do a hard factory reset'

So incompetent
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antiwork, job, work, time off, PTO, Reddit, paid time off, salary, vacations, toxic workplace, email, toxic boss, workplace, reddit thread, company, money, vacation

Company takes 6 PTO days away from employee for taking too many days off in 2023, despite the company not having PTO in 2023: 'Is this LEGAL???'

How does that work?
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fired, getting fired, i got fired today, got fired, company, employee, employment, employees, unemployment, work, workplace, workplace stories, toxic workplace, toxic boss

‘We are all mercenaries. Act like it’: Cold-blooded company fires employee on their 2 year anniversary

Workplace betrayal at its finest
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work, workplace, workplace stories, toxic workplace, antiwork, work stories, toxic work environment, toxic boss, horrible bosses, company, terrible bosses, bad bosses, pto, paid time off

'I'm at a loss for words': Company asks employees to 'donate' PTO to cover loyal worker's leave

This isn't the Salvation Army
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company, work from home, antiwork, surveillance, employee, working from home, job, work, working, Office, camera, wfh, home office, companies, spying

'How is this legal?': Company forcibly installs cameras into employee's home offices to spy on them

Dystopian much?
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'Save the cartoon impressions for parties, not job interviews': Interviewee torpedos their chance at their dream job by impulsively revealing a hidden talent

Goofy goober, ROCK!
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boss, manager, incompetent, machine, reddit, reddit thread, ceo, engineer, machine

'It worked like a dream': Incompetent boss tries to demote engineer after designing machine for $1 million order, gets hit with devious revenge

Well deserved
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reviews, libel, jobs, review, job, bad jobs, funny reviews, work, slander, glassdoor, ceo, company, antiwork, toxic workplace, toxic boss, toxic work environment

'Slander is illegal and can cost you lots and lots of money': Aggressive CEO replies to negative Glassdoor review, proves the reviewer right

That's libel babe
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getting fired, antiwork, twitter, zoom, jobs, employee, fired, toxic workplace, job, viral tiktok, fired story, work, laid off, employees, moving, company, tiktok

Company fires employee who relocated for the job after 3 months of working: 'I uprooted my life to move over here'

She deserves better
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getting fired, antiwork, pregnancy, fired, working from home, toxic workplace, job, fired story, work, working, birth, pregnant, pregnant, company, toxic work environment

'Talk to a lawyer': Company fires pregnant woman 12 hours before birth, creates perfect storm for a lawsuit

She needs to sue.
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