
bad idea

Not Even Once

cooking bad idea lazy food - 8281106176

A Texan Cop is in Hot Water After Posting This Food Stamp Rant (With Casual Violent Threat Attached)

cops bad idea rant failbook - 8279594752
Via Opposing Views

No Way Out of This

ouch screwed bad idea funny - 8270333440

Hedgehogs, They're Idiots

bad idea idiots funny - 8270332672

What Are You Trying to Do?

dogs wtf photography bad idea - 8266231040

Worse Than Dividing By Zero

bad idea fool idiots funny - 8243068672

Going All Crazy Like

drugs bad idea funny - 8234263552

Seems Like a Terrible Promotion

beer drinking bad idea funny after 12 - 8232914432
Via Bits And Pieces

Just Put it Back

bad idea funny wtf vodka - 8231752960

Why Would You Eat This?

disease bad idea hotdog funny - 8231751680

Two Great Things That Go Great Together

sign bad idea what fail nation - 8227148544
Via JimmyAPop

Seems Like an Extreme Decision

bad idea extreme funny marriage - 8226097664

At Least the Smart One is Driving

pets bad idea scooter - 8216291584
Created by beernbiccies

You'll Be Up There All Day

scary wtf bad idea spider funny - 8219243520

Solid Construction

bad idea construction idiots funny - 8216931584

Pure Redneck Engineering

bad idea redneck electricity lightbulb funny - 8216359936