Señor GIF


Police. Cops. Popo. 5-O. Whatever officer might be looking for, you'll find all that here and more. These coppers will charge you up like a battery, so get a shock to your system with witty police humor.

Paul Blart, Meme Cop

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Tasers Don't Always Work

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None Shall Pass

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chase cops police win - 3495531776

Good Job, Oakland PD! Way To Attack Unarmed Peaceful People!

FAIL gifs police Protest - 5360098560
Via Youtube


anger door FAIL gifs kick police - 4655097600
Created by

Stand Your Ground

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The T1000 is Back

yikes gifs terminator police - 8394807296

What is this Witchcraft!

gifs pig police - 8419977984
Via MenacingObedientBighorn

Super Police Man

gifs motorcycle police superman trick win - 5327539456

Escape Attempt

best of week escape FAIL gifs police running wtf - 5435612416
Created by xelopes

A Drunk Driver Crashes Into a Cop Who Pulled Over Another Drunk Driver

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Messing With The Police

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Created by _C_A_T_

These Aren't My Shoes

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Created by sebenty

Seems Legit

Aliens gifs I WANT TO BELIEVE mindwarp police seems legit yikes - 5223203840
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