Rage Comics

customer service

What Customer Service is Really Like

customer service herpderp - 6588191232

But You Said...

customer service fast food - 7950430720
Created by HerpDerp103

Reframed: Yes, We Deal With This...

customer service Reframe phones it - 7881610240
Created by Unknown

Every Barista's Dream

annoying barista coffee customer customer service Rage Comics - 5012485376

I Had No Idea What to Say

poker face customer service divorce - 6647240192

I Know the Owner

customer service Rage Comics restaurant troll - 5903531520

Yeah, We Really Should Try That

customer service PlayStation 4 signs retail - 7917650944

A Day in the Life of Tech Support

tech support customer service derp - 6694230528

The Customer is Always Right

table flip Okay no customer service - 6701304064

Is There Anything You Have?

tea derp customer service nothing to do here are you kidding me - 6642953984

Love It When This Happens

customer service tech support phone calls everything went better than expected - 7876513024

Why Do I Always Get THESE Customers?

cell phones customer service retail - 7963417088

Customer Service Rage

customer service google chrome internet explorer - 7079332608

Customer Service RAGE!!!

customer service rage - 8415183104

Ashes to Ashes

customer service trolling - 7953026304

Working as a Clerk During the Holidays...

customer service board games retail monopoly pandemic - 7971656960
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