Rage Comics

computer guy

I'm Starting to Change...

meta computer guy - 8104942592
Created by tentoes2

Spend Your Time Wisely!

time school aww yeah weekend computer guy - 8555995136
Created by mrstacocat

Well, What Did You Expect? Pulitzers?

it's something computer guy - 8069372160
Created by proman232

Let's Be Realistic Here

forever alone Pokémon Challenge Accepted Memes computer guy - 8137660672
Created by Harpo818

Jokes Aren't For Everybody

computer guy facepalm lol meta moms - 7976080896
Created by theotherchick69

Lookie Here!

pink floyd thumbs up computer guy - 7831264768

A Pyrrhic Victory!

solitaire high score computer guy - 8062141696
Created by LonePaladin

Hey, I'm Talkin' to You!

breaking the fourth wall funny computer guy - 7511072768


studying homework moms parenting computer games computer guy loading - 7210059520
Created by karandesai777

Try to Look Brave, Try to Look Brave!

girlfriends scared pranks startled computer guy - 7753916416

Being Healthy Isn't All That Great

computer guy water expectation vs. reality - 8081936384
Created by Yourfavoritelolcat

My Holidays

expectation vs reality computer guy holidays - 7978262272
Created by Gragj1

Just One More LOL...

sundays computer guy - 7953698048

Faith in Humanity Restored

grammar faith in humanity restored computer guy - 7729789952
Created by fighuasss

I'm Sick of Squatting

funny computer guy - 7521957376

I'm Such a Pretender...

girlfriends scared startled computer guy - 7846932736