


cake chemical clean lye mix Portal reaction - 4141664000
Created by Skippii

I Sea What You Did There, Bad Joke Eel

Bad Joke Eel cliché double meaning Hall of Fame ICWUDT meme reaction tank - 5844326400


chemical double meaning Hall of Fame literalism reaction - 5541042176


camping dude homophones in intense literalism reaction similar sounding tents trip - 4532348672

Talk About a Buckshot

bear dear deer Hall of Fame homophone homophones insult insults literalism reaction unbearable - 5489109248
Via rhymemeariver
Woman puts a birthday hat on her neighbor's year old pumpkin | WIBTA if put birthday hat on my neighbor's pumpkin? Not hole Obligatory on mobile, apologies any formatting issues share porch with one neighbor, who is notorious not cleaning up after herself or her kids example, one time there broken longboard sitting right front their door they would step over every day get into their unit 7 months, they just ignored until one day asked oldest kid (15M please clean up. He's good kid and instantly

Woman Puts Birthday Hat On Neighbor's Year Old Pumpkin

A definite bold move.
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