


pi pun - Dish - SO MUCH PUN.COM
Created by Unknown


corn definition latin neologism Popcorn prefix question uni unicorn - 4242695936

Oh No, There Goes My Cochlea...

hashtag literalism prefix similar sounding - 4847109632
Created by LinkMcCloud

Robots in... Transition?

double meaning literalism optimus prime prefix transformers - 6537604864
Via Nathan Bulmer

What An Eggsellent Yolk!

brand egg prefix sandwich similar sounding title - 6357155840
Via Reddit

The Horcrux of the Joke

cold Hall of Fame Harry Potter hole literalism obvious old prefix voldemort - 4747194624

Ever Wanted to See a Supernova Up Close?

prefix superhero Super double meaning - 7061890560

I Wouldn't Want to See a Meth Lab, Then...

black chocolate color double meaning lab labrador literalism prefix - 5550984704
Created by LOLdogexpert


disney pluto literalism prefix - 6996182016
Created by anthropocene

She Even Has a Chance to Double Crown As Miss Understanding!

miss pageant literalism winner prefix homophones - 6898778368
Via Butthorn

File Under: Hilarious and Poorly Executed

hilarious lolwut Pirate prefix terrible - 5191807488
Created by drassher


Okay prefix syllable - 4159403008
Created by el_wuffel

Hey! Listen!

double meaning gator homophones literalism prefix suffix the legend of zelda wings zelda - 5974467584
Created by Vane_275

Sir Isaac Newt-on

newt shoop isaac newton surname literalism prefix - 6827218688
Via Reddit

SMP CLASSIC: Real Love Seems So Far Out of Reach

angry classic double meaning family ladder prefix step step ladder - 6537597952
Via Punblr

Excuse Me While I Sea Cower in Fear

double meaning Hall of Fame homophone homophones literalism manatee prefix quote - 5273853440