

The Colors!

hue color manatee - 7416281088

Such a Colorful Cry

cliché double meaning gifs Hall of Fame hindenburg homophone homophones hue humanity literalism manatee - 5817094144
Via Reddit

A Steep In the Right Direction Every Morning

manatee puns tea animals - 7892802048
Created by Jrsbbusa3000 ( Via Cheezburger iOS Builder )

Exclamatory Oh, Indeed

manatee similar sounding oh the humanity shape bad pun - 7000176128
Via Squish Image

It Made for Quite a Teenage Wasteland...

double meaning hindenburg homophones literalism manatee o oh the humanity quote the who - 5752600832
Created by butactually


Hall of Fame iron iron man literalism manatee prefix shirt similar sounding - 4878779136


contraction disaster famous hindenburg homophones manatee name oh the humanity origin quote - 4326610176
Created by RevMedic

A Marked Improvement, if You Ask Me

better homophone homophones hue hugh laurie humanity manatee Reframe - 5408572416
Created by rottenray

Florida Loves Their Tea Cows

manatee tea - 7114648576

An update on So Much Pun

update manatee pun - 8015246592

Excuse Me While I Sea Cower in Fear

double meaning Hall of Fame homophone homophones literalism manatee prefix quote - 5273853440