

Good Game. Good Pun. Great Combo.

ahead cards double meaning game head literalism - 6453474304
Via Punblr

Finally, We've Learned How to Prevent Shark Attacks!

broken double meaning literalism seal shark warning - 5981850368
Created by Snake73 ( Via Phil Watson )


terrible shoop literalism bull prefix - 6997601536
Created by Moonstruck

Friend and Dafoe

friend Hall of Fame homophone literalism suffix surname - 6174942464
Created by Unknown

This is Pretty Much My Opinion of All Professional Athletes

Babies double meaning football Hall of Fame literalism prefix Super whining - 5779392768

Alternately, F4 is Pretty Swell Button Too

button literalism - 7080708608
Via OMG That's Punny

A Very Seasonal Pun

double meaning homophone tree leaf literalism - 6707948544
Via Pleated Jeans

Just Like Everything Else

all double meaning gas Hall of Fame literalism - 5886714624
Created by LOLdogexpert ( Via Shirts Hovel )

Dandy Lions

double meaning Hall of Fame homophones lion lions literalism - 6355629312
Created by Lucky810 ( Via I Waste So Much Time )


Chart diagram literalism pack prefix wolf - 4651715584

Stop Being Sheepish And Have Some Confidence in Yourself!

double meaning ewe lamb literalism sheep similar sounding you - 5767794432
Created by Unknown

Molar Bear

bear Hall of Fame literalism molar polar polar bear similar sounding - 5195396864
Created by Anonymous

Ackbar Always Gets Caught With His Pants Down

ackbar catchphrase crap its a trap literalism rhyme rhyming star wars T.Shirt - 4794588928
Created by chompipeando ( Via 6dollarshirts.com )

Delete Cookies?

cookies delete double meaning literalism mistake question - 4828643328
Created by absolutelyQT

ICWUDT Mental Floss...

around cliché double meaning globe Hall of Fame ICWUDT literalism name william shakespeare - 5856900096
Created by LOLdogexpert ( Via Mental Floss )

I Think He'd Prefer a Barcalounger, TBH

double meaning literalism sitting stool toad - 5883737856
Created by sixonefive72
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