

Hey can I ass you a question? What's the big deal? Well if you're here already, check out the quality merchandise, and I don't mean the rear. Anything and anything having to do with the ass in all it's forms will be here to satisfy your cravings.

Horsing Around Somewhere I'm Sure

donkey literalism ass double meaning - 6928404224
Created by xyzpdq1

And His Attorney's Name is Harold Balsagna

ass homophones huge surname - 5996463616
Created by Bob Shawn

Well That is Just FILTHY.

gifs false expectations tap double entendre donkey literalism ass - 7078228992
half literalism ass double meaning Video - 43928065

Mules Are So Half-Ass

View Video


ass contraction donkey math matrix - 4174613248
Created by KatDrama

He's Such an Ass Hole

ass donkey double meaning hole literalism shrek - 6170530048
Created by Regrubezeehc

A Giant Catastrophe

giant cat ass trophy catastrophe homophones literalism double meaning puns - 6705440256
Via Reddit


ass costume critique donkey insult just saying literalism look obvious resemblance statement - 4492927744
Created by Tox_Mace

Remind Me Never to Eat Molasses Ever Again...

ass double meaning Hall of Fame literalism question suffix - 5406086912
Created by lizzwilson86


ass donkey double meaning literalism misinterpretation mistake - 5331923200


Mass dat ass meme ass similar sounding - 6638078464

Sargent Hauling Ass - Donkey Pun

ass donkey double meaning literalism order pun - 6444090112
Created by xyzpdq1

Studies Have Shown...

ass donkey double meaning lazy playing video games - 4765049088

At Least He Urned His Title

ash ass comic Hall of Fame literalism longform similar sounding - 6263342848
Created by generalking ( Via Evil Inc. )

He's Just Callin' 'Em As He Sees 'Em

ass birds donkey double meaning literalism - 5013747200
Created by Formyyaoi

Which Would You ASSign to Yourself?

ass donkey double meaning dumb Hall of Fame insults KISS lazy literalism smart suffix - 5820992000
Created by chains
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