

A crazy boss tries to overwork an employee, doesn't compensate them, and ends up regretting it | r/MaliciousCompliance u/WatanabeSama 1d Join Crazy boss tries make work more than anyone, but doesn't want pay accordingly L First, some info and backstory: Minimum wage Brazil R$954,00/month 180,00/month nowadays Back May 2017 started working companny as 2D designer Intern. 2 months later started working hourly, but with some benefits started making R$ 1500,00/month 280,00/month).

Crazy Boss Tries To Overwork Employee, Doesn't Pay Accordingly, Regrets It

Crazy boss shouldn't have played that game.
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A collection of times that real life boss fight moments occurred in the world. | tool IKEA uses put their stores together | learned today about time guy brought 2222- card yugioh deck national tournament demonstrate why game needed deck size limit

Times Real Life Boss Fight Moments Occurred

Some people just take it from 0 to 100.
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Boss demands new password and employee makes it impossible to type | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by u/foobar754 17 hours ago Just change password and write down Sure thing. oc s Back working at small company company didn't really have ton support staff so take break various programming tasks doing and would help out manager support team completely unqualified and basically got job because he also head sales and customer facing team

Lazy Boss Demands Password Change, Gets Incomprehensible Password

Be specific.
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A knowledgable boss is underestimated and proceeds to win tech support. | r/talesfromtechsupport u/syninthecity 17h sometimes need stroke 1 2 4 1 3 1 1 day my boss won Tech Support. Medium mostly lurk, but this..this boys, girls and enbie friends this story had be told. Some minor context do software support thing 's used by essentially everyone may go call with mom and pop running everything on an underpowered ancient SBS 11 multinational running ten thousand server instances their own cloud

Knowledgable Boss Is Underestimated, Proceeds To Win Tech Support

Some bosses are actually pretty good at their jobs.
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A petty revenge about a coworker snitching on an employee for being late | r/pettyrevenge u/fixerofthings 2y Join say only called boss out concern my well being? Well being called him had follow suit few weeks ago, my coworker (CW negating some minor protocols which left some equipment down overnight. He also didn't send emails some our remote teams regarding downed equipment. So did him solid (or so thought) and sent him and only him an email telling him he did wrong very next night, he did

Coworker Snitches On Employee For Being Late, Petty Revenge Ensues

Just don't be a snitch.
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rich owner's son told truth that he doesn't own the business | r/AmItheAsshole Posted by u/senoramoncada AITA telling my friend he is basically an employee his dad and not business owner like he says he is? Not hole My friend J comes wealthy family as his dad owns several successful businesses. He's not snob, but recently he's become bit preachy about s better be an entrepreneur than an employee talked about several times before been working financial company 9 years

Owner's Son Hears the Truth about His Own Ambition

Your dad's business isn't your business.
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man calls out a woman that called him uneducated

Blue Collar Worker Absolutely Schools Ignorant Woman For Calling Him Uneducated

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unfair manager threatens staff with write up and they all walk out | O r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by u/Blewyouremyboy 10 hours ago O 9 10 3 10 9. Work double and get written up or oc M high school few friends and myself worked at local chain restaurant were fully able run day shift but had never really broken down equipment and closed up evening. One particular night few night shift had called sick were asked pull double and close restaurant, which did. Essentially worked 10a.m. until after mi

Unfair Manager Threatens Staff, They All Walk Out

That's gotta feel nice.
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Employee decides to play their aces after being confronted by their company | r/MaliciousCompliance u/technos All getting is half hour, tops. L Years ago one my employer's clients decided set up new office Fort Wayne, Indiana, and got chosen spend three weeks there getting new space set up. Also chosen job guy another division's Chicago office, Dave.

Employee Plays Their Aces When Confronted By Company

Dave ended up being a gem.
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FAIL embarrassing work celeb Video - 78005761

If You're Not a Movie Star, Who Are You?

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A company assumes that an employee's being dishonest about their time logging, and employee proves otherwise.

Company Thinks Employee's Being Dishonest With Time Logging, Learns Otherwise

Serves them right.
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A terrible boss ends up losing their profits after selling company | r/ProRevenge u/eliechallita 3y Join Cost horrible boss all profits selling his company met an amazing mentor while doing my masters US who hired work company where he COO after graduated an immigrant US, so my visa is conditioned upon being employed: get red, and would quickly get deported back Middle East CEO company planning on selling company much larger British firm, so he wanted maximize revenue short term so he could get

Horrible Boss Loses Profits From Selling Company

Terrible boss learned their lesson the hard way.
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Employee changes passwords and then goes on vacation story | Posted by u Morgoth 9 hours ago 2 3 2 35 3 Force take my vacation time dont want and tell secure my station by freshening up my passwords before go? Okay boss. oc s start with, my boss had his moments. Sometimes he dick who would push off on my raises or screw with my system, sometimes he would hook up and make my life pleasant. This not one latter.

Jerk Boss Bumps Vacation, Employee Changes Passwords and Leaves

"If that's what you want me to do boss, okay."
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funny "not my job" fails

"Not My Job" Moments Of Dubious Professionalism

Good enough, time for lunch.
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Boss orders office demolition with forklift and it goes wrong | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by u/Naige2020 Drive forklift through oC M This may take while relate but lot happened working as Warehouse Manager pharmaceutical\cosmetic company. Our premises part large industrial complex had been walled off into three smaller buildings had three different businesses occupying them. My office free standing building inside warehouse about size shipping container. My company process

Boss Demands Demolished Office, Gets More than That

Unclear intentions make great big expenses.
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Funny Twitter account called "Crap on LinkedIn" that makes fun of posts on LinkedIn | Anyothercitizen Apparently, someone is proud be RACIST (tweaked meaning only explained later Would this be considered as an appropriation CrapOnlinkedin #Volkswagen Am Proud be RACIST ReadtoknowWHY Finally get some timeout work post here my food thought day, No! actually era are feel proud be RACIST both my personal and professional lives, BECAUSE RACI is only religion, understand what - responsible accountable

Hilarious Twitter Account Exposes LinkedIn's Cringey BS

Let the cringe commence!
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