Art of Trolling


Tumblr: a magical website with the bizarre, the hilarious and the unexpected. Think you've seen it all? Think again. The best one-liners, random threads and weird thoughts are yet to be discovered. 

Squeeze One Out for Us, John

john lennon tumblr all the things lemon - 6972097792
Via Tumblr

Pls Halp

image captcha tumblr Pls Halp
Via brightness

God Damnit...

Funny tumblr moments | pteapotdactyl weareallfromearth Follow getlitaesthetic Follow Today 10:12 want 6 pet sloths so can name them after every sin except sloth Today my wife texted this, and then immediately called make sure got because an urgent message Source

Random Funny Tumblr Gems to Fill Those Pockets

Oh, that hits the spot.
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Worth a Shot

funerals tumblr - 8384833536


languages tumblr Germany france yes - 7756308224

Ohh Yep!

sex tumblr dirty talk - 7610415872
A collection of funny posts about various stomach-turning, cursed food items.

Cursed Food Creations From The Shadow Realm

Yeah, hard pass for me on these.
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There's a Perfectly Good Reason for All of This!

dogs tumblr - 8386164224

Ssshhh, No Tears...

tumblr swearing - 7867103744

Inquiring Minds Would Like to Know

crayons tumblr - 8327116032
Girl finds shark on the beach, and then yeets it back into the ocean | love going walks at night, especially there's clear sky, so age sixteen, would go few miles up beach around midnight most nights. One night, while still about mile our house saw something rolling surf s either plastic bag caught on log thought Or four foot shark jogged over not plastic bag caught on log shark moving and didn't appear be hurt, but caught water only an inch or so deep, being pushed higher with every wave by

Girl Discovers Shark On Beach, Throws It Back Into Ocean

There should be an animated short for this.
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tumblr that feel - 8364049152

Silence of the Rack of Lamb

tumblr funny - 7510906368

Had to Switch Contracts

god tumblr - 8404489472

Chicken Chicken: Chicken Chicken (Chicken Chicken Chicken)

neighbors chicken tumblr funny printer - 7541097472
Via Mikey Friskeyhands