Art of Trolling


If at First You Don't Revert, Try, Try Again

ctrl w facebook timeline - 6388809728
Created by biznob

Constant Complainers

complaining timeline facebook funny - 6804797952

You've Got an Awfully Long Neck

cover photo facebook giraffes timeline - 6003800832

Guys, Don't Worry, We're Living in the GOOD Timeline From 'Back to the Future'

back to the future timeline world series Guys, Don't Worry, We're Living in the GOOD Timeline From 'Back to the Future'
Via Morgijane

There's a "Life Event" for That

facebook seal timeline - 6232633600
Created by DigitalBanana

It Made the Timeline?

timeline youtube rick roll - 4273378560

Don't Shoot

cover photo facebook gun timeline - 6137869824