Art of Trolling


Take the stairs, not the elevator. Great for your health, and for a makeshift workout when you're stuck at home, just make sure to take them one at a time, you wouldn't want to trip over some of these multi-leveled puns.

jump scare nope stairs - 75012097

This Jump Scare Made Me Pee a Little

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What Floor, Pleas- Ahhhhhhh Gotcha! Get Some Exercise, Fool!

elevator stairs exercise - 7438433280

Can't Tell If Trolling or Bad Directions

IRL stairs up - 5244437504

Seems Legit

falling stairs - 8579425024
Created by anselmbe

Some Men Just Want to Watch the Stairs Burn

IRL stairs fire exit - 6730160896
Created by SpideyBennett ( Via Cheezburger iOS Builder )
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