Art of Trolling


Jesus is a figure in ancient history that is the focal point of one of the largest religions in the world. So it's natural tat any number of jokes and memes come out of a being so famous and well-known. From RaptorJesus to classic memes, there's something for everyone for the father of Christianity.

If He's a Teen, He Really Does Work in Mysterious Ways

jesus truancy story - 6534820608
Created by PetePete

If You Ask Dan Brown, He'd Probably Say DJ Khaled Was a Descendant of Jesus

twitter jesus dj khaled If You Ask Dan Brown, He'd Probably Say DJ Khaled Was a Descendant of Jesus
Via @Pierce_Leef

Well, When God Needs a Savior

Babies Awkward jesus - 5584422144
Created by Krazy ( Via koopakrazy85 )

The Mighty Banhammer

hammer jesus mormon nails religion Thor - 4149822464

You're Right, It's the Sun... THE SUN OF GOD!

jesus sun christians - 7628869120

Jesus Was Here

jesus pedestrians funny - 7537294336
Created by briannabug2 ( Via Cheezburger iOS Builder )

Daddy Issues

daddy god hate jesus weight loss working out Yahoo Answer Fails - 4349938688
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