

Relationship Memes

Relationship memes are a basic tenant of meme sharing in general. There are relationship memes that single people can enjoy. There are relationship memes that are cutesy if you're into that sort of thing. There are funny relationship memes. There are relationship memes of many kinds as is the case with all things meme. 

She's a Keeper

beer snow relationships - 7830231808

Sometimes He Would Double Dribble

comics relationships basketball dating - 8276929792
Via Go Comics

No Man Should Ever Do This

ron swanson relationships crushes dating - 7879711232

Why Women Are Like Bacon

relationships food women bacon dating - 8292655360
sex romance relationships dating Valentines day - 7430

Which States Are the Most Romantic?

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There Are Two Kinds of Dates

People describe the worst Valentine's Day gifts that they ever received. | wacht 3y Once ordered my girlfriend flowers didn't arrive (or were stolen porch so gave her delivery confirmation instead not as funny as thought would be.

Worst Valentine's Day Gifts People Received

Love is in the air.
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Ron Swanson Understands


Just Give Him Some Time!

marriage relationships - 8182328832
Man's coworker brings him meals every day, and his wife tells her to stop | AITA telling my husband's colleague stop bringing him meals she cooks everyday? Not hole F35 been married my husband Tom M32 three years recently moved new home about 4 months ago and he started his new position at private company and met new people who became friends with him outside work. His work colleague claire is bit intrusive and doesn't really respect boundaries. She'd bring meals my husband at work pretty

Man's Coworker Brings Him Meals Every Day, Wife Tells Coworker To Stop

Very, very strange.
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Best Relationship Ever

awesome funny relationships pizza - 8337201664
Via KatieKayyyy
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