Web Comics

time travel

Start warping and get ready for time travel humor. Your perspective might loop or even shift into a new space with these out there and hilarious time travel memes puns and jokes. 

Time Travel Prank

prank time travel web comics - 8761248768
Via itsthetie

You Got to Stop Living in The Past

fun time travel web comics - 8252374784
Via Tubey Toons

Why Else Would You Time Travel to 1913 Vienna?

history time travel makes sense web comics - 8432757248
Via This Isn't Happiness


doctor who jokes time travel TV - 3702427392
See all captions Created by Unknown

The Simple Life

simple time travel web comics - 8102802176
Via Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal


celebutard football soccer sports time travel TV world cup - 3654970368
See all captions Created by JakeLim

Solved That Issue

paradox suicide sad but true skeletons time travel web comics - 8422780672
Via Toonhole


2012 back to the future From the Movies michael j fox ominous time travel - 4176291584
Created by chrisofduke

He Wasn't Gunning For That Response

Via poorlydrawnlines


brad pitt celebutard keanu reeves magic powers psychic time travel - 4048245248
See all captions

The Main Reason to Time Travel

never forget time travel apple money web comics - 8320519936
Created by Trainiac ( Via Cyanide and Happiness )

6 Totally Easy Tips For Getting Ahead in Today's Economy

government sad but true work sucks time travel classic web comics - 8370507264
Via Medium

So Glad I Found You

paradox parenting time travel web comics - 8349771520
Via Channelate

Time to Kill

time travel web comics - 8759611648
Via Souljunk

Vampires Can Get Senile

vampires time travel web comics - 8298787584
Created by vinniethevampire ( Via Vinnie The Vampire )

The Next Companion?

link doctor who time travel zelda funny - 7725949440
Created by juggleclimber