Web Comics


He's Not Sleeping, He's Multi-Tasking

web comics multitasking He's Not Sleeping, He's Multi-Tasking
Via spacelogs

Mouth of Sauron

sauron planes creepy sleeping - 7182299648
Created by jgsmith

Get up and Make Me Some Dinner!

web comics cats sleeping Get up and Make Me Some Dinner!
Via izaksmells

And That's How You Fix The Economy

in this economy comics cars sad but true sleeping funny web comics - 7688619520
Via Helou Helou

A Reverse Bully

bullies sleeping web comics - 8100831744
Via Lunar Baboon

Reunited And It Feels So Good

bed sleeping web comics - 8421817344
Via The Gentleman's Armchair

Humans Eat at Least One Whole Spider Per Night... Probably

web comics spiders sleeping Humans Eat at Least One Whole Spider Per Night... Probably
Via rgbros

Feet Just Wanna Be Free

Via thebinarylanguage

This Thought Happens At Least Once a Night

scary bed sleeping web comics - 8312848896
Via Bing

Sorry, This Sink Is Taken...

taken cat pets sink sleeping - 6717660672
Created by djcat595

Every Damn Night

funny tired work sleeping - 8341978624
Via Sarah's Scribbles

Doctors Are Full of Crap

Via I Raff I Ruse

Rise Lord Vader

star wars sleeping darth vader web comics - 8178884352
Via Maximumble

Who Else Has This Curse?

Via Invisible Bread

What Your Sleeping Positions Say About Your Relationship

funny dating comic What Your Sleeping Positions Say About Your Relationship
Via holly walsh

Generally How This Goes Down

Via poorlydrawnlines