Web Comics


That laundry list is super long, make sure not to forget anything. Airing out the dirty laundry is as important as airing our your list of memes and puns, You wouldn't want to go stale now. So rack up a brand new list and make sure to keep it nice and fresh.

Maybe If We Got a Rake I Wouldn't Have to Do It All By Hand

web comics laundry Maybe If We Got a Rake I Wouldn't Have to Do It All By Hand
Via gocomics

That's Why It's Important to Maintain Separate Piles

laundry decisions web comics - 8757693696
Via anemonelost

There's No Flying Dogs, Either

laundry wtf sad but true funny - 7432176640
Created by CJPhillyCheezburger

Folding Laundry

laundry lazy web comics - 8183788800
Via Sarah See Andersen
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