Web Comics

Dick Move, Bro

Via thefrumps

Explains It

meme picard Spock Star Trek - 5179974144
Created by Mordvark


awesome face swapping photobomb the internets vintage - 3472661504
See all captions

Graduation Time

graduation modern living sad but true funny - 7885843456
Via Cinismo Ilustrado

How Horror Movies Affect People

Via I Raff I Ruse

Grandpa's Lesson

Grandpa web comics - 8017455360
Via Jeremy Kaye

Oh Good, He's Safe

web comics puns Oh Good, He's Safe
Via infinitemonkeybusiness

It's Very Environmentally Friendly

beer web comics pee It's Very Environmentally Friendly
Via mandatoryrollercoaster

So Thats What The 20th Century Looked Like

Babies Cats google google image search history hitler wtf - 4554857472
See all captions Created by cragglemchamer

Unexpected Heroes

best of week calvin and hobbes Lord of the Rings the internets - 6027758080
Created by lonlia

At Least It Was Probably Painless?

web comics names jokes At Least It Was Probably Painless?
Via threepeoplegetit

It Makes Me Feel Better

chocolate girls salad - 5586765824
Created by 993566

Gun-Free Zones Are Powerful



celebutard demons From the Movies ghosts happy leonardo dicaprio monster - 4029568768
See all captions Created by DrHause

I Hope He Didn't Mean Right Now

web comics airplane heaven I Hope He Didn't Mean Right Now
Via 1111comics

Winter Wonderland

snow wtf web comics - 7946771712
Via Mister Hayden