Web Comics


whoops Xxzibit xzhibit yo dawg - 3149053696
Created by maxbaraky

Better Than a MetaPad?

apple celebutard ipad ipod Pokémon steve jobs - 4829416704
Created by Jake R.

Late Night Decisions

chips snacks web comics - 8312975360
Via Oh Yeah, Comics

The Shoe Gun!

gun james bond - 4650469888
See all captions Created by katweezel

Good One, Bro

bros mom jokes web comics - 7984857600
Via Cyanide And Happiness

The Bad Thing About Following Your Dreams

dreams sad but true sleeping web comics - 8398704128
Via Mr. Lovenstein

Nothing is Impossible

Babies mutants web comics - 8024302592
Created by nezdzen ( Via Parental Disorder )

Get Off My Thrifty Lawn

guns Clint Eastwood - 7345623808
Created by PrincessWordplay

Grandparent's Hidden Past

juggalos web comics - 8288896512
Via The Obscure Gentelmen

Thanks, Poison Clan!

dancing Music cups moms web comics - 8189874432

Morons And GMOs

Via Nospicyfood

Everyone is Role Playing

funny role playing sad but true web comics - 7908006400
Via Fowl Language Comics

You Asked For It

trolling likes facebook crush - 6843548416
Created by Fabygrb


From the Movies gross Office Space weekend - 3495271424
See all captions Created by Gumped

Just Once Is Just Experimenting

From the Movies gay joke Inception leonardo dicaprio - 4845718784
Via imageshack.us

Cowwubwubwub From Hell

best of week dubstep john travolta meme the internets - 5353003520
See all captions Created by woodcoasterdude